In 1898 in New York City, the idea of a light bulb that you could take with you, anywhere you wanted to go, was born. A simple hand lamp was an evolution of this original idea. These are frequently used in garages for automotive work, but are generally great to have around whenever you need big light in a small space. Really helpful when camping or hanging out outdoors.
This hand lamp comes with a protective metal cage and 25-foot cord that helps you avoid using extension cords. It's equipped with a sturdy swivel hook, so you can hang the hand lamp virtually anywhere to free up your hands and focus on the task at hand. The other convenient thing is that it comes with an AC input on the handle, so you can plug in another device right into it.
Made by a company in Howell, NJ that makes long-lasting products reducing the need for excess waste and production. They are one of the first manufacturers to offer a robust recycling program where customers can bring back their old products for rewards.
Details: Cord Length: 25' | Hanging hook for hands-free use | Protective grid cage |
Use with any screw type bulb | Measurements = 15.5 x 6 x 3.25 inches